Dear CBS friends in Christ:
Recently, a post went out on this forum entitled, "Our work is not done". The beginning reads as follows:
“Feeding the body requires teams of people to work together in physical spaces, but churches can feed the spirit in other ways.” Thus spake the Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeals last week in the case of Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church and Logos Baptist Ministries v. Pritzker. This ruling, which upheld the arbitrary 10-person limit imposed by the Governor of Illinois on church attendance, as usual condescendingly relegates “faith-based groups” to their own “barely essential” ghetto.
Another post by Liz Cipriano also discussed the effectiveness of gathering funds in order to publish an ad in a local paper asking our church leaders to FULLY restore the Mass and the Sacraments. Our work is NOT done by any stretch. Sanctions on the Mass and Sacraments ARE garnering concern around the nation, and we MUST continue to PRAY and ACT. If for no other reason, because Our Lord deserves it, period.
A letter has gone out to every bishop in the state of IL asking that the Mass and Sacraments be fully restored (LETTER ATTACHED TO THIS POST). To be clear, in conformity with the laws of our state, this means NO RESTRICTIONS ON THE NUMBER ATTENDING MASS AND NO RESTRICTIONS ON PROPERLY RECEIVING OUR BLESSED LORD ON THE TONGUE WHILE KNEELING. In case you don't know, all social distance orders in Illinois have been deemed notwithstanding whatsoever as of last week through the courts. The only diocese in IL based on my research, which has attempted to restore the Mass quickly and not forced parishes to only allow Holy Communion in the hand is the diocese of Springfield (Bishop Thomas Paprocki).
Attached, you will find my follow-up letter to the bishops highlighting the fact that nearly 20% of the Archdiocese of Chicago churches are represented in expressing their desire to FULLY restore the Mass and Sacraments.
Frankly, I am only a lay Catholic with a small following (mostly pro-life people) trying to do the best I can to give due attention to this critical matter. I NEED YOUR HELP. OUR LORD NEEDS YOUR HELP. We must continue to labor as laypeople to restore devotion and reverence. The "fear-demic" currently creating undue apprehension in society is precisely our opportunity to shine as Catholics. This has always been the case throughout the history of our church.
Now is when we must protect our church buildings and holy icons. Now is when we must boldly proclaim the truth. Now is when we must do that, which our wayward shepards have not been doing for some time now. Please be on the watch for a follow-up email to all who signed the #REOPENMYCHURCH petition. If you did not sign it, then simply search #REOPENMYCHURCH on Facebook and sign on. If you are not Facebook, then call me directly or write to me.
May God bless you and this web forum!
Joe Lazar
Thank you for posting Joe! Unfortunately, because of that court case, it stands that the churches can be ordered to close again depending on the whims of the governor and political climate. Our work is definitely not done! I look forward to your update on the petition.