The past weeks and months have been terribly frustrating for Catholics around the world (and non-Catholics too!). We have been storming heaven with our prayers and sacrifices, begging Our Lord to return to us in the Sacraments. And many of us have written to our Bishops, asking them to restore the Mass.
Remember the story of the ten lepers in Luke's Gospel...only one of the ten returned to give thanks for being healed, and he was a Samaritan.
Don't be like the other nine lepers.
When something good happens in your diocese, please, let us show our thankfulness, both to God, and to our Bishops. Believe it or not, this time has been very difficult for them too. Please write to them and thank them for what they have done.
Let it not be said of us, "There is no one found to return and give glory to God, but this stranger." (Lk 17:18)
God bless,
The St. Charles Borromeo Society
Praying for our brothers and sisters to come out tomorrow night with hearts of thankfulness for the states that have reopened their churches and asking for God’s guidance and perseverance for all that are still longing to be in their church, receiving spiritual food for the battle.